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Part IV
Guide fence

A good fence is important, and looking at the ones on sale commercially. They aren't all that good, some are made from cheap plastic, alot are very low, preventing you from safely holding work vertically, and also preventing you from clamping accessories to the fence.

I've started by cutting 2 fair sized parts of MDF. High fence here.

I've worked out the centre of the fence, and i'm using a compass to mark a mouse hole shape on the front of my fence.

This will compensate for the height of the bit, i'm also going to create one on the horizontal part which will compensate for the thickness of the bit.

Once these are marked, I cut them out using the jigsaw.

I'm routing 2 slots here, these will allow me to slide my fence backwards and forwards. I have clamped a straight edge to guide my router.

It is important to keep the router firmly against the straight edge, this slot must be accurate.

Another important thing is to go slow. Do not take off too much material at one time, I made my slots in 2 passes.

Here you can see the slot, there will be 4 bolts which will glide in this slot.

This is how the fence will be held in place. There will be 4 bolts (2 in each slot) fixed to the table top with a nut, the nut is below the table surface and will stop the whole bolt from spinning when I tighten down the fence with a wing-nut on top.

I have seen other solutions, but this is a fairly simple yet effective one.

Here you can see how the fence will glide smoothly with this system. If I had only used 1 bolt on either slot the fence would not remain square at all times.

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